Sometimes you might see someone with you doing a lot of stuff and seems like that guy or girl has figured out everything.
It is not that great feeling at that time. You compare your plans with them and judge yourself for not having plans at all.
You feel that you have lost somewhere or you have no clue about what’s going on in life.
That is the time when it hits your brain and puts you in trouble.
Have you noticed it? Most of the time when you will think about life or your progress, you will do it because of seeing someone doing it.
That is in itself a wrong way to ACT.
80-90% of people don’t really think about their lives in the big picture.
Until then you are chilled person at all.
You have no fear of any failures, you have no idea your life is heading towards.
You are just playing the next ball and not thinking much about the whole innings.
Do you think this is a Right Strategy?
Really, NOT!
You have to figure out how you have to play the whole innings if you have to win the game.
I am not going out of topic or saying anything opposite of the title.
It’s okay not knowing the direction of your path. but it’s really not okay that you are not finding or thinking about the path.
That may lead you to future regrets. We definitely don’t want to regret it at all.
You should think about it at least
Yeah, you might get caught up in trap if you are not thinking and having your own mind open for the things you have to do.
Come’ on guys you know this. If you have to do anything you like to or you love to do, they are not going to happen on their own.
You have to plan them.
You have to at least know what you have to do.
Yeah, you must know what you have to achieve. What things you have to do in your life and stuff.
But, what am I saying in this article?
While thinking and researching about these things, you may get frustrated by understanding how exactly you are going to do it.
You really don’t have to understand the whole path.
Think of this in this way
You are driving in a night. You have headlights turned on your car. At that moment you can only see the 100-200meters ahead path of yours. You have to focus on your next 100-200 Mtr path.
Eventually, you know that you are going to reach your destination.
This is exactly what you have to do.
You have to know the few steps ahead of where you are now.
Whatever it is, know what you have to do next and start following this.
Eventually, you will see that you have already completed a long path and you are going great.
That will at least take you somewhere in life. You will not end up frustrating at all.
Start doing this and you are not going to make it to downside anyway.
Umm, I think this is enough for now.
Implement this and do let me know in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.