Are you looking to be more productive in your work? Do you really want to gain more productivity? Huh, But the sad thing is that you won’t be able to buy it from anywhere. Hahaha! Just Kidding. You have to be more productive by yourself. In this article, I am going to share some really interesting productive things to do that Will probably gonna help you whenever and wherever you’ll go.
In this fastest growing life, Boredom is really an enemy for us. So, It’s always better to stay away from this kinda enemy or else it might become the biggest barrier to your success.
So guys, don’t be foolish, Try to be that smart always so you can beat your boredom easily.
Productive Things To Do
If you are spending most of the time of your day by sleeping or just looking into your cell phone, you are going to meet the darkness of your life soon. Darkness doesn’t mean that you will lose everything that you have, all your health, wealth, etc. But, you won’t be able to find your true happiness around you. If you ever have observed everything around you carefully, you must have been noticed that you are totally surrounded by happiness and joy, but the sad thing is that you are ignoring those things by just staring at your cell phone, watching others happiness in the WhatsApp stories that they have posted and you missed your most precious times by doing nothing.
The main causing root of why you boring or less productive is inside your mind. You have already told your mind that, you are not going to wake up early cause you are very tired at night. You have already told your mind that, you are not able to do some extra projects because your boss has already given you office work.
That only means, you already have instructed yourself to be boring. You’ve made up your mind to be less productive.
Sometimes the reason for being less productive can be, not getting a proper outcome for what you have invested in. You must have invested a lot of time in doing some work. If you had expected some great result and somehow You failed, then you start blaming yourself. That causes, less productive. It’s a human tendency But, if you have to get success, then you must have to follow the rule of not giving up.
You have to convince yourself that, there must be something wrong. You should find what’s wrong and should fix it. The results will pop up automatically. It can be better than you have expected or worse. But you have to stick to it. You have to stay attached to your goals.
How To Be Productive?
Now the question arrives, how to be productive?
If you have good control of your conscious mind, then it’ll be not difficult for you to regain your lost productivity.
But, you can try yourself in other things that you love the most and you would love to do. And these things will help you enhance your productivity.
Yeah, it’s that simple. You just have to divert your mind into some interesting things that you love to do.
There must be many things you can do according to your likes and dislikes. Still here, I am going to share some really good productive stuff to do when you are being bored.
If you liked any one of them, try them and share your experience with us.
1. Write whatever you want
This one is my favorite. Take a paper and write anything that comes to your mind. You don’t have to make it properly or systematically. You don’t have to think about the topic to write on. You just have to write whatever comes to mind. Any words. Anything. Whatever it is, just write it down. And most important keep those paper at a good place. ‘coz you should not lose it.
If you take a look at it after sometimes, you will surely feel really amazing. This trick really works for me. Then without thinking too much ….take your pen or pencil and paper and just go for it.
2. Scroll through your photo gallery
You may have tried this before. I would suggest you keep one collection of your all memories in one place. In your desktop, pen drive or photo album or anywhere. but, keep one. If you are bored, you can go through it. You will feel really good to relive your old happy memories. Sometimes, by seeing those memories you would wish to make a plan for a trip again.
Must keep a collection of all your memories, it will help you keep good memories alive.
3. Play with a baby
If there are any kid, small baby around you. Don’t miss this chance and play with them. The smile of babies will surely affect your day to spread positivity into your mind. You will feel too happy and you will forget any stress you have. Your mind will set to free. If you have a kid, you must know how valuable it is to spend time with that little kid.
There are too many things to learn from them. They are enjoying each and every moment, and you playing with them so you are also earning a lot of happiness.
4. Talk to yourself
If you are alone. I suggest you try out this. You just have to sit back relax in front of the mirror and start talking to yourself. What to talk about? Whatever you want. Just talk. Talk about yourself. Talk about what you are going to do. Talk about what you have to do. Talk about what things you have to achieve. Then, ask yourself, “are you really taking efforts needed to achieve whatever you want?” Ask yourself. If the answer is yes, keep going. If the answer is NO then Ask again, what you should have to do? What can you do?
You don’t have to talk silently in mind. You can speak up to yourself by using words that are running through your mind at that moment. You have to interview yourself. Try to make yourself better.
5. Do insane body moments
Yeah, you read it right! You must have seen those little kids flipping and jumping on the floor. Doing stunts. Yeah, you have to try those. I am not saying to keep your legs up and head down or any dangerous activities. Just do whatever moments you can. Shake your body. Act like you are a ghost. Act like you are drunk. Act like you are giving audition for the action scene in the upcoming blockbuster film. Be the hero, that you wanted to be like in your childhood. Remember those days when you used to say, “I want to be like that star and all.” Try out some movie dialogues. even if you don’t know how to dance still you should try to dance in your own way. Try some easy stunts. Do some insane activities. I know it’s kind of crazy but believe me, it will really gonna make you feel relaxed and much better.
Don’t try dangerous stunts. I am just telling you to do somebody’s moments, not stunts.
For now, you have to stop and bookmark this page, cause I am going to update this content with more these kinda creative things to get rid of your boredom. I am coming up again with creative ideas to shake your mind with awesomeness.
I hope you must have liked this.
Try out some of them and do let me know your experience in the comment box below.
If you think, there should have some points. Feel free to write it down in the comment box, I will update that in this content with your credits.
Thanks for reading,
Be awesome.