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first car

first car

it hit different! especially when you do it on your own and it tops up a lot to tens of folds when your people and their emotions are also attached to it. you get the… first car



this is that phase of life where things are scary. you don’t know what is ahead. it is that turn of the road where you are not able to see anything at all at thet… Unsure

with them

With them

27092024 0307 I want to be one of them. Those people who are part of this books, stories, movies, series, businesses. I want to be one of them. I don’t want it for the showoff… With them

a boy from mumbai

Growth Mindset

It’s always the same. It’s always the things that happened, they happen and you are put down to the place where you were at the beginning where you started. This is not how it should… Growth Mindset



I don’t know that’s how the last couple of days (or weeks) have gone by. I don’t know where it is heading, where it is going on. I am thinking about taking it back on… Random